Sabrina Wallace: Debunking "Nesara/Gesara" and "The Great Awakening" - What is "Q"
An important whistle-blower disclosure:
Timothy Darrell Young B.S., M.P.A.
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& Member of Targeted Justice:
"One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce and experience set, and delete an experience set. It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction...Thus, it may be possible to 'talk' to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them."
-United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board
New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century
Timothy Darrell Young B.S., M.P.A., of Oregon, considers himself a "targeted individual," and can and has proven it. Tim is a Mk-Ultra synthetic telepathy slave and lives a life of nearly constant torture, is 43 this 2022 and has had attempts on his life and has survived. Tim grew up in Lake Oswego, Oregon and went to Lakeridge High School, Portland State University and the University of Oregon. He still tries to live a life well lived, meaning being gifted with being smart, working hard to be well educated and living long enough to become wiser.
Tim has a lot of personal interests including music, writing, games, reading, outdoor activities, science, technology, psychology, sociology, the arts, philosophy, religion, economics, anthropology, history, literature, quantum physics, the cosmos, the sciences in general and loves comedy as a coping mechanism for his tragic life.
He served as a write-in student body president in college and became targeted for torture for his political activism and was an unwitting mind control experiment object for torture. Tim now is witting, knowing and aware that he is being abused in a psychotronic, cybernetic, secret war, enslavement, coup, false deification, that is sadly happening world-wide. Tim is a victim of menticide.
Academic Credentials:
Master of Public Administration, University of Oregon '05
Bachelor of Political Science, University of Oregon '03
Second Generation Higher Education Administrator, Former Oregon State Board of Higher Education Board Member, '00-'03
Former Portland State University Student Body President '99-'00
National security abusers not drunk enough on their stolen power keep torturing me. Their psychopath, narcissist, A.P.D., sociopath, megalomaniac lust for subjugation obsession is un-quenchable it seems. The perps on me, the gang stalkers hacking me (my mind and body also literally) are still wanting to blame me for their terrorism. I am tortured day and night by those misusing A.I. and their clearance. Perps working for the feds are still 24/7 falsifying evidence of why I got targeted in the first place almost 20 years ago. The true reason is me being a former student leader, with above average intelligence and useful degrees for the deep state abnormal psychology crowd. Mercenary perps want to information warfare filter my message on targeting and gang stalking; they want to stop my bio-robotization objections. I am a slave, a slave of the worst kind for SO MUCH and so many different kinds of evil. Our democracy in the U.S.A. Constitutional Republic is under a mind control coup secretly. The Republic is, frankly, long lost - very seriously to covert mind control. Since 2004, I've been illegally surveyed and ruthlessly tortured for being a political dissident and leader in college. I am a targeted individual on the unconstitutional American Terrorist Screening Database (T.S.D.B.).
I am tortured by Silent Assassination Through Adaptive [Neural] Networks, otherwise known by the C.I.A. as S.A.T.A.N. This is literally, according to the Mind Hacking Strategy Group. Hat tip to Dr. Robert Duncan of Project Soul Catcher: Volume Two Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed Declassified. Further, I believe Jesus, Mohammed and all else claiming to be god or son of were merely, only, to the maximum extent abnormally psychologically grandiose, in a billions to one proven to be virtual reality cosmos. It's a fake cosmos and all are also false gods within our fake cosmos by definition. Those fake gods are likely very problematic by nature, as are those flesh and blood humans who are also diagnose-able as grandiose.
I'm a poor Buddhist, aspiring Arhat, slandered, remote control tortured, framed, manipulated, exploited, enslaved Targeted Individual in the U.S.A. and have been criminally perpetrated (perp'd) against since before 2004. U.S.A. federal government public and private partnerships for organize torture are worse than nuclear weapons using psychotronic, cybernetic, electromagnetic, voice of god weapons against their own people and others around the world. Repeat, qualitatively and quantitatively these weapons are worse than nuclear weapons. As of 2019 there were an estimated other 1 to 2 million American Targeted Individuals out of 330 million Americans. There are also tens, maybe hundreds of millions more targeted individuals around the world. Tortures of me began many times a minute during the second Bush White House admin. installment in Eugene, Oregon when I was in college. I was under surveillance and toyed with before then.
Secretly Earth has a robotized human population that doesn't know it is being robotized and that doesn't want to be robotized and should not have augmented free will; nor any of what has been done to us T.I. not so secretly. I plan to head toward the center of the Milky Way Galaxy after death searching for Red Dwarf Star civilizations that won't and don't secretly robotize their populations for and by, evil defined - as is the case here on Earth truthfully. It may be a matter of immeasurable aspects of physics, that we have life after death. The older planets, with more advanced civilizations will be towards the center of the Milky Way Galaxy in my fractal analysis of what we know about the formation of our own solar system. The planets closest to the sun formed first. Our sun is not meant to last but Red Dwarf stars will live the longest and they happen to be the most numerous stars. Look for civilization revealing electromagnetic activity on planets orbiting Red Dwarf stars. You too may want to take the longer but better path after death and evacuate earth.
Interview: Project Camelot: Timothy Darrell Young - Targeted Individual (
First draft manifesto audio piece describing my tortured plight here:
I am also, DJGrayGoo DJMC³ (™)
My DJGrayGoo DJMC³ (™) website:
DJGrayGoo DJMC³ (™) =
Disk Jockey
Devil Jouster / Jabber ✝☸️
Dark Journalist
Master Certified
Master of Ceremonies
Mind Controlled :-(
DJGrayGoo DJMC³ ™ Youtube Channel:
DJGrayGoo DJMC³ ™ (small) Party Set EDM by Tim Young @ Oregon U.S.A.:
DJGrayGoo DJMC³ ™ Information & Entertainment Festival for Restoration of Targeted Individual Rights & Human Dignity:
DJGrayGoo DJMC³ ™ Entertainment Festival for Restoration of Targeted Individual Rights & Human Dignity:
...Some more music therapy, also check out Binaural Beats Therapy or Hemi Sync Sound Therapy (use headphones and good ones)....
#DjGrayGoo EDMish:
DJGrayGoo DJMC³ ™ Spotify: